Monday, March 30, 2009

Delicious - Revolutionizing Bookmarks

Monday, March 30, 2009

I joined Delicious October 7
th 2007 and currently harbor 489 bookmarks. The reason why I know the exact date is because the site keeps a log of each day and tag for each bookmark! I stumbled across this great tool while searching for interesting add-on to my wonderfully customizable Firefox browser. Each time a am at a page I like there is a tag button right next to my URL address! It is great to see how many people have bookmarked the same page and also what tags were used. My favorite is when I am the first one to add the page! Another great option is the ability to search the bookmarks of other uses via the tag associated with the page. I guess this is a plug for Delicious and Firefox but heck you should have them both if you are a computer, major web surfer, geek like me! Firefox Delicious Firefox Delicious Add On


B.A. said...

We loovvve Delicious! It makes life so much easier when working and playing the same time :D Love the post!

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