Monday, March 23, 2009

Dow Jumps 500pts

Monday, March 23, 2009

Today the the Dow Jones closed at
7775.86 (up)+497.48‎ (6.84%‎) which means it jumped about 500 points if you don't understand how to read these stats. Since inverters were anticipating the Obama Administration's detailed proposals for public-private partnerships to deal with failed assets in the financial system. The question is will this sudden surge in purchasing will take the remainder of the week, or will it just be another fluke as it was weeks ago?

I think it is too quick for us to assume that the economy is bouncing back based on one positive day out of dozens of negative closings.
For many of us the stock market could be the furthest thing from our mind due to personal financial situations. But remember people, many of us know someone who has a large investment in a business 401k, or the very company thousands work for may have their entire business riding on how the markets preform. Growth int he market may mean avoiding laying of a businesses dedicated workers. In turn avoiding defalted morgages, and bills.

Unlike the past eight years of the horrid Bush Administration, success in the markets can and will trickle down to the middle class which is the foundation of America.

Picture from Reuters
Related Articles: MSNbc
Yahoo News (AP)


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