Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Breif Spirtiual Commentary (No offense intended)

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

As we all know, the world economy is not exactly doing well. Many of us are having to make numerous sacrifices that even 24 months ago we may not have even fathomed. Remember that if you feel down and out you are greatly loved by God. If you are an atheist you must trust that things can be better and sometimes at these times of turmoil, following our our goals and not giving up hope is truly the only thing we can do. Have faith! In God and/or in yourself. You are a human being, a magnificent creature designed for greatness. Whatever obstacle you face, I believe it is there for your personal growth. Of course my opinion may not apply to extreme situations, just know that I have overcome and still deal with many hurdles. That is life. However, now is the time to gain knowledge towards an overall good purpose. That could be a business, going to school, or just managing your anger better. If you ever feel unloved or insignificant just know that no one is perfect, everyone makes mistakes, and YOU can change your attitude. Be grateful for what you do have, not what you don't. If anything you have yourself and your future. Peace! God bless!


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